
Showing posts from June, 2023

Islam calls the world for peace

 #Islam calls the world for peace Islam is a religion professed by nearly a quarter of the world's population. It is based on belief in the One God and "Islam" means surrender to God, or the peace that arises from this surrender. In this article, we will discuss the idea of peace in Islam and how it calls on believers to achieve it. One of the most important concepts of Islam is peace; He is considered a fundamental value in his teachings and rulings. The Holy Qur’an begins with the Basmala, “In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,” which reflects the mercy and peace bestowed by God on humanity. Islam also indicates that peace is the natural state of man, and urges believers to work towards achieving it. In the Qur'an, Muslims are urged to coexist peacefully with all human beings, regardless of their religion or nationality. Islam encourages building strong and sustainable relationships between nations, and encourages mutual cooperation and mutual underst...

الإسلام يدعو العالم للسلام

 # الإسلام يدعو العالم للسلام الإسلام هو دين يعتنقه ما يقرب من ربع سكان العالم، ويرتكز على الإيمان بالله الواحد و "الإسلام" يعني الاستسلام لله، أو السلام الذي ينشأ من هذا الاستسلام. في هذا المقال، سنتناول فكرة السلام في الإسلام وكيف يدعو المؤمنين لتحقيقه. أحد أهم مفاهيم الإسلام هو السلام؛ فهو يعتبر قيمة أساسية في تعاليمه وأحكامه. يبدأ القرآن الكريم بالبسملة "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم"، مما يعكس الرحمة والسلام الذي يمنحه الله للبشرية. كما يشير الإسلام إلى أن السلام هو الحالة الطبيعية للإنسان، ويحث المؤمنين على العمل من أجل تحقيقه. في القرآن، يُحث المسلمين على التعايش السلمي مع جميع البشر بغض النظر عن ديانتهم أو جنسيتهم. يُشجع الإسلام على بناء علاقات قوية ومستدامة بين الأمم، ويحث على التعاون المتبادل والتفاهم المشترك. يقول الله تعالى في سورة الحجرات (الآية 13): "يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم إن الله عليم خبير". في الإسلام، يلعب العدل دوراً مهماً في تحقيق السلام. يوجه الإسلام المؤمنين إلى التعامل ...
  فيديو: خلق الله آدم ودخوله الجنة وخروجه منها ونزوله الأرض كما ورد في الإسلام **المقدمة (0:00 - 0:20)** [موسيقى هادئة وصورة للكون والنجوم] المعلق: في بداية الخلق، قرر الله أن يخلق مخلوقًا جديدًا ذا عقل وإرادة، لكي يعبد الله ويكون خليفة على الأرض. هذا المخلوق هو آدم، أول إنسان. في هذا الفيديو، سنتعرف على قصة خلق آدم ودخوله الجنة وخروجه منها ونزوله إلى الأرض كما ورد في الإسلام. **خلق آدم (0:21 - 1:20)** [رسوم متحركة لله سبحانه وتعالى وهو يخلق آدم] المعلق: قال الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم: "إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَة". طينة آدم كانت مأخوذة من مختلف ترب الأرض، مما يفسر تنوع ألوان وخصائص البشر. وبعد أن نفخ الله الروح فيه، أمر الملائكة أن يسجدوا لآدم تكريما له. فسجدوا إلا إبليس الذي أبى وتكبر. **دخول آدم وحواء الجنة (1:21 - 2:20)** [رسوم متحركة للجنة وآدم وحواء وهما يستمتعان بنعيمها] المعلق: بعد خلق حواء من ضلع آدم، أدخل الله آدم وحواء إلى الجنة. وأمرهما أن يأكلا من ثمارها ويتمتعا بنعيمها، لكن حذرهما من أن يأكلا من شجرة معينة. وعاش آدم وحواء في الجنة بسعادة وهناء. **خروج...

The benefits of prayer in Islam

  The benefits of prayer in Islam Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam and has many spiritual and physical benefits. Spiritually, prayer connects the Muslim to God, increases faith and piety. The Muslim communicates with God and expresses his love and gratitude to God through prayer. It also spreads tranquility and reassurance in the heart. Physically, prayer contains light exercises that help stimulate blood circulation and activate the body. It also reduces stress, anxiety, and increases discipline and focus. When a Muslim prostrates, it helps to relax the muscles and joints in his body. Prayer strengthens the Muslim's relationship with his Lord and connects him with his Muslim brothers. Muslims pray together in mosques, which strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and love between them. Prayer also keeps the Muslim away from obscenity and forbidden acts because of its positive impact on behavior and morality. Therefore, prayer plays a major role in the life of a Muslim, whet...

Why did God create us on this earth

  Why did God create us on this earth  from the perspective of the Holy Quran: The Holy Qur’an tells us that God created man above the earth for great wisdom and lofty purpose. We were created to worship Him alone with no partner. The Almighty said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me” [Al-Dhariyat: 56]. We were also created to succeed and populate the earth with architecture, construction, agriculture and other things. The Almighty said: “And when your Lord said to the angels, I am making a successor on the earth” [Al-Baqara: 30]. God also made this earth a cradle to test His servants and a purifier for them, to test them as to which of them is the best in deed. The Almighty said: “He who created death and life, that He may test you, which of you is best in deed” [Al-Mulk: 2]. And God made man in this worldly life a walk on earth and let him go through stages in which he tests his faith and obedience.

The benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan for humans

The benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan for humans The holy month of Ramadan is a time of deep devotion, sacrifice and renewal of faith for Muslims around the world. The primary act of worship in Ramadan is fasting from dawn until dusk each day. While fasting is challenging, the bodily deprivation results in many benefits for the soul and body.   Fasting teaches Muslims discipline, patience and self-restraint. By abstaining from food, water, and worldly pleasures, Muslims learn mastery over physical needs and desires. This ability to delay gratification also builds perseverance in other areas of life. Fasting fosters compassion as Muslims experience hunger, thirst and empathize with those less fortunate. It builds gratitude for life's many blessings that are often taken for granted. Physically, fasting gives the body a chance to cleanse and renew itself. The rest from continuous eating gives the digestive system a break and helps it operate more efficiently. Fasting re...
  Islam forbids eating pork for several reasons: 1. Pig is an unclean animal in Islam and its meat is forbidden to be eaten. The Almighty said: He has only forbidden you dead meat, blood, and the flesh of swine. Surah Al-Baqarah. 2. The pig is a filthy animal that feeds on waste and filth and does not have a stomach adapted to digest these materials, which makes its meat unhealthy and a carrier of many diseases and parasites. 3. Eating pork causes many serious diseases such as hepatitis, tumors, strokes, and others. Recent medical studies have proven this relationship. 4. Eating pork leads to alcoholism and drug addiction due to the presence of a narcotic substance in pork called (cadaverine). 5. Social and psychological reasons: The pig's filthy nature and bad habits alienate people and make them feel disgusted with them.

There are a few reasons why Islam forbids eating pork

 There are a few reasons why Islam forbids eating pork: 1. Health reasons: Pork meat is prone to parasites and diseases like trichinosis, which can be harmful if not properly cooked. This was especially the case 1400 years ago when the Quran was revealed. 2. Cleanliness: Pigs are considered dirty animals that eat and roll around in filth. Islam emphasizes physical and spiritual cleanliness.  3. Tradition: Even before Islam, Jews and other Middle Eastern peoples avoided pork for religious and cultural reasons. Islam followed this tradition. 4. Reverence for life: Islam teaches respect for all of God's creatures. Killing an animal for food is only allowed if done in a swift and humane way. Critics argue that pigs are often not slaughtered humanely on an industrial scale. 5. Obedience to God's command: The main reason given in the Quran is simply that God forbade it. Muslims believe God has wisdom beyond human understanding, so they obey this command out of faith and obedience to...

# God's Creation of Adam in the Holy Qur'an

 # God's Creation of Adam in the Holy Qur'an # God's Creation of Adam in the Holy Qur'an The Holy Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam, presents the story of the creation of Adam, the first human being, as a profound and inspiring narrative. The account not only reveals the divine origin of humankind but also conveys significant moral and spiritual lessons. This essay will explore the story of Adam's creation in the Holy Qur'an, examining the stages of his formation, the significance of his creation, and the lessons derived from this narrative for believers. The Holy Qur'an narrates the creation of Adam through a series of verses. According to the scripture, God announces His intention to create a human being, a "vicegerent on Earth" (Qur'an 2:30). The angels, in their humility and limited understanding, question the wisdom behind creating a being who will "cause corruption and shed blood" (Qur'an 2:30). However, God's re...